Ms. Mendes Classroom Website


Estimados Padres,


Bienvenido al noveno/decimo grado en la escuela Bronx Latin! Yo soy Senorita Mendes, la consejera y la maestra de su hijo/a.Yo soy muy contentos y no podemos esperar la oportunidad de conocerlos a ustedes y a sus hijos. Esperamos tener un ano escolar muy exitoso y productivo y esperamos con mucha espectativa ser parte de el progreso academico de su hijo/a.


Tengo altas espectativas para cada estudiante en nuestro salon de clases y esperamos lo mejor en el aspecto academico y de comportamiento. Los estudiantes en el noveno grado estaran explorando y aprendiendo constantemente. Todo esto sera possible en un salon de clases que representa seguridad y un ambiente de comunidad para su hijo/a. Como maestra de su hijo/a, estaremos trabajando arduamente con usted y su hijo/a para alcansar nuestra meta.


Esta informacion que les estamos ofreciendo contiene importante informacion acerca de los diferentes procedimientos en nuestro salon de clases y tambien otras informaciones que ayudaran a su hijo/a tener un ano escolar productivo.


A continuacion estan  algunas cosas que usted puede hacer para ayudar a su hijo/a:


  • Siempre pregunte a su hijo/a que aprendio durante el dia y adoptelo como una actividad diaria.


  • Cada noche, asegurese de confirmar que su hijo/a complete la tarea. Tambien, asegurese que encuentre un lugar adecuado para que su hijo/a haga su tarea.


  • Nuestro salon de clases siempre estara disponible para visitar. Solamente tiene que hacer una cita con el/la maestro/a y la cordinadora de los padres en la escuela. Si nos quiere ayudar en la clase, por favor dejenos saber, nos encantaria!


Como maestra de su hijo/a, hare lo possible para mantener una constante comunicacion con usted con referencia al progreso de su hijo/a. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llamenos a la escuela.




Senorita Mendes














Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome to the 9/10th grade at Bronx Latin School!  My name is Ms. Mendes and I am your child’s year long teacher.  I am very pleased and excited to get to know you and your child this year.  I know we will have a successful, productive year, and I look forward to being a part of all of the wonderful progress that your student will make.


At Bronx Latin we have high expectations for every student in our classrooms, and we expect nothing but the best both in academics and in behavior. As ninth/tenth graders, all students will be exploring and learning constantly.  This is only possible if a safe, working community is established in our classroom. We look forward to working closely with each of you to help foster that classroom environment, while meeting all of our student’s needs.


This packet contains important information about classroom procedures and other information that you will need to help your student have the best year possible.


Here are some important ways that you can help your student succeed:


  • Ask your student what they learned in school that day, and constantly reinforce these skills at home.
  • To the greatest extent possible, be sure to check that your child completed the assigned homework each night.  Please find a spot for your student to complete their homework that is away from any noise or distraction. 
  • Our classroom door is always open.  If you would like to visit the classroom please let me know and we can set up an appointment with our Parent Coordinator.  If you would like to help out in the class, please let me/us know!


I will do my best this year to be in constant communication with you about your child’s progress. I am/we are looking forward to all of the great things that your student will be doing this year! Please contact me at any time if you have any questions.




Ms.  Mendes (Special Education)



Parent/Guardian Survey

Every child is different and knowing their individual needs will help me best!  Please be as detailed as possible!  Feel free to use the back or attach notes.


Child’s Name:  _________________________________________ Birthday _______________


1)      What is your relationship to the student?  (mother, father, grandparent, aunt, etc…)


2)      Please list their strengths (include as many as you can think of).  Be specific and don’t be afraid to brag!  J




3)      Please list the areas where you feel they need the most attention?




4)      What strategies work with your child for handling behavior?  Please be as specific as possible.




5)      Does your child have any allergies or medical problems that I should be aware of?




6)      What interests your child?  What does he/she do during their spare time?




To help us stay in touch, please answer the following questions, in addition to filling out the blue card for the school office:


7)      How should I contact you?  Please write down all convenient telephone numbers and good times to call.


Home #1: ______________________________       Home#2: ____________________________

Work #1: ______________________________        Work #2: ___________________________

Cell #1:________________________________        Cell #2:_____________________________

Email#1:_______________________________        Email #2:____________________________


8)      Are you the only person to whom I should speak when I call home?  If there is someone else who I can speak with please note that below.














After you have read the enclosed information, please sign and return this form in with your student.





Thank you.





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I have received and read my child’s Parent Information Packet for the 2010-2011 school year.




Guardian Name (please print)


_________________________________           ____________________

Guardian Signature                                                        Date